Sons of St Joseph

Contact Person:
Marc Baskaran Surendran
Contact Details:
2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, 8am to 10am, room #03-06.
Church Service when required.
We are a Community of men, who gather in Fraternal Fellowship to encounter God our Loving Father, proclaiming Him through living out our Christian faith in our daily lives.
Mission of Sons of St Joseph Men’s Fellowship:
“To turn the hearts and minds of men towards Jesus Christ, modeled after the life of St Joseph, to become a protector of family, faithful husband, loving father, Christian brother and committed worker.”
At our Men’s Fellowship, we share a simple meal with each other followed by Worship, Faith Formation talks related to Christian Manhood, with Testimonies & Intercessory Prayers.
Using Small Group Sharing & Men’s Spiritual Retreats, we attentively listen, learn & support each other, as brothers-in-Christ, to be faith-filled to the Great Commission. In service, we support the Parish tasks like arranging furniture, parish event support and other opportunities to put Christian Virtues into practice, to model and encourage each other in our pilgrimage on earth, powered by the Holy Spirit. We collaborate with other Ministries in the mission of our Parish Church.All men are welcome!